I think we can all agree that if money were no object, we’d book a two-week stay in the Maldives in a heartbeat. But between finances, health issues, and not having an unlimited amount of vacation days from work, planning an international getaway doesn’t always work out. This is when the staycation comes to the rescue.

The Broadmoor Hotel in Colorado Springs, CO
We started taking staycations once we had a child (although we should have really done it long ago!) because we wanted to create some incredible family memories and destress from the craziness of parenthood. But we often found we could only have two or three days at a time to escape. We are lucky enough to have so many world-renowned vacation spots within a few hours from our home in Colorado. Most recently, we staycationed literally down the road at the AAA Five-Diamond Broadmoor Hotel. Between the unique and delicious food and variety of activities onsite, it was exactly what we needed to relax, and without airport security lines and baggage fees. Still on the fence about booking a staycation? I’ve got nine reasons why it’s such a great idea for families.

Less $ on plane tickets=more $ on chocolate!
1. Save money
You won’t have to pay for airplane tickets, baggage fees, or a rental car, which means more money to splurge on a hotel, activities and meals. Or even more money to keep in your pocket!
2. Skip the plane
Even someone like myself who has loved airplane rides since I was a child knows that planes with little kids bring a lot of stress. You won’t have to worry about being stuck in a two-hour customs line with an inpatient toddler or having nowhere to hide when your baby won’t stop fussing on that 8-hour flight.
3. No packing limits
Anyone with a baby knows they come with tons of extra stuff (regular diapers, swim diapers, baby wipes, formula/milk, bottles, special snacks, pacifiers, strollers, travel cribs, car seats). The list goes on and on and on. When you have your own car, you won’t have to be constrained to a 50 pound baggage weight limit. Not sure if you need your umbrella stroller or sturdier one? No worries, bring both!
4. Focus on relaxation
Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely love traveling abroad with my family and exploring the world. It’s some of the greatest education your child can get. But I often find moments of being completely rushed in a new country because I have to squeeze in every single activity and restaurant in such a short timeframe. When you haven’t ventured that far from home, you won’t feel so burdened to do it all because you can very easily come back another time.
5. It’s not a big deal if you forget something
Did you leave your child’s swimsuit in the washing machine back home? Depending on how far away you are, you can either go home to retrieve it, or you probably have the same type of stores you are familiar with and can easily get what you need.
6. Stay as long (or little) as you’d like

A staycation may give you the urge to strike a pose
Can you only afford one night away? No problem. When you have to pay for plane tickets, staying just a day or two feels like a waste of money.
7. Get to know your area
Have you ever felt like a tourist in your own town? It’s a whole new experience that will make you appreciate it so much more. I grew up in Chicago, but we finally stayed downtown in a hotel for one weekend last year. I looked at the city in a whole new light and absolutely loved it.
8. Same language and currency
As much as I love hearing different languages, it can get stressful traveling abroad and not being able to communicate as clearly as you’d like. And trying to calculate how much things cost with a different currency? You can skip that completely.

1:00 afternoon nap time: right on schedule!
9. No time changes or jet lag
When you have a baby on a schedule, you know that even a two-hour time change is intimidating. With a staycation, you (probably) won’t have to worry about baby waking up at 2 a.m. ready to start the day.
Where do you love to staycation?
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