High maintenance bébé
Keeping it fresh & storage
Getting through airport security
When my baby was solely on formula, this was the most terrifying time for travel. Running out just wasn’t an option, and you cannot buy formula at every airport or gas station. When it comes to formula-fed babies, having more on-hand than you ever think you’ll need is the safest way to go.
Keeping it fresh & storage
Don’t mix formula until you need it. A good rule of thumb is that it should be consumed within an hour when it’s at room temperature.
Enfamil Nursette‘s were our saving grace when we traveled. You simply screw off the lid, put on the nipple, and it’s ready to go, no mixing required. When you have a screaming baby on a plane, it feels like every second counts, and these will save you some time and stress. They aren’t cheap, but they are worth it during the most stressful moments. Some other brands make similar products, so check with your preferred formula brand if they have these.
Space is very valuable in your carry on bag, so forego large formula containers for single serve packets.
I actually preferred to travel with a combination of Nursettes and single serve packets. I could only fit 10 Nursettes in my diaper bag in a large resealable plastic bag, so I would also keep 10 powder packets in there for extra security. It ensured I had plenty of formula for the day.
Getting through airport security
Once your baby is old enough to drink cow’s milk, traveling gets slightly easier. Unlike formula, you can find milk just about everywhere. However, I still recommend not assuming you can buy it anywhere you are and instead pack your own. Also, don’t expect to find whole milk or your preferred brand everywhere. Eventually, your baby won’t need to travel with milk and will be content with water, which makes traveling and getting through security much easier. Our son still relied on milk to fall asleep until he was about two-years-old, so we had to travel with milk at all times for about a year. Of course, that will vary depending on your child.
Keeping it fresh & storage
Getting through airport security
*TSA regulations are constantly changing, and international airports can have different standards. Be patient with security agents and be ready to answer any questions. They will not take away your baby’s milk or formula; they simply have different procedures to ensure everyones’ safety. Sadly that is the world we live in!